Thursday, October 23, 2008

Which Party is More Biblical? Democrats or Republicans

Which Party is More Biblical? Democrats or Republicans

Pate Hutson, October 2008

A number of concerns were recently brought to my attention by a friend who is also a practicing Christian. All of the comments and questions can be boiled down into one; Which American political party most closely embrases Christian values?

I think you will agree, one of the greatest strengths of the Bible is its ability to be interpreted in so many different ways, each being relevant to the reader. When I left the Lima area in 1990, I was a firm evangelical Republican. After going to 36 countries in the past eighteen years and becoming Catholic, my views have changed.

I am now identifying myself as “a Biblical Progressive”. It so happens, at this particular time, that the Democrats promote more of Christ’s teachings than the Republicans do. (I am sure that too will change at some point.)

Although many of us may be blessed with economic success and cozy homes. Often, when I am looking at the 2in thick steak at the butchers’ market, I remember the words of Mother Teresa, “It is a great tragedy that a child might die so that you may have what you want.” Sometimes I buy the steak, other times I pass it by. Always, I am more aware that the simplest decisions can have great consequences to our neighbors. (I think that was her point.)

The problem is that most people don’t even realize they are being repressed. Did you know you, me, and every other American citizen can be indefinitely detained without warrant or trial? How about the corporatization of our government? Does anyone really think we are better off giving corporations more rights than citizens? What about the response to Katrina? What about police brutality? What do you call it when your children are taken from you without any legal process and judicial accountability? An unbalanced child support system is not repression? How is this NOT repression? (Don’t get me started on the unconstitutionality of income tax!) Repression is directly in front of us everyday!

Still don’t think repression doesn’t exist? Go to the local Job and Family Service Center. Look at the people who are there and tell me these people are not experiencing repression! They aren’t there because they enjoy it, they are there because they have no other choice. I could go on and on.

What is the mission of Jesus? There is absolutely no doubt that the Prince of Peace devoted his ministry, life, death, and resurrection to forgiveness, grace, and service to his people. Jesus told us to go forth and make disciples of all men, to baptizing (them) in the name of the Father. To be a disciple is to follow his moral example of clothing the poor, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, leaving judgment to the Father, accepting the grace of others and reconciliation. As a Christian, I consider Jesus’ example to be a perfection I can only pray to maybe, sometimes, if I’m lucky, come close to achieving.

So, how does the GOP and Democratic Platforms compare to the teachings of the Christ? Here is a link to both: Please take a few hours and read both of them. I did so last month, after each convention. The read was illuminating (and boring)!

I find it amazing how many people will vote for the same things over and over and have no clue about what they are really voting about, on both side of the isle. If anyone who calls themselves a Christian were to read each platform without prejudice, they would find the Democratic one most in line with Christian teachings. Please notice, I am not saying the entire Democratic platform is within the Jesus’ teachings. I am simply saying the Democratic platform is MUCH more in line with Christian teachings then the Republican one.

Personally, I have issues with the Democrat's pro-choice aspects of their platform. Serious issues, I think the Democrat’s stance on abortion is morally wrong; Just as wrong as the Republican stance on Capital Punishment. Pro-Life means Pro-“All”-Life, I would even go as far as to say Pro-Life should also mean “Pro-Public/ Universal Health”! Is the GOP protecting the lives of newborns by opposing expansion of Children’s Health Insurance? How is the opposition to virtually all public health initiatives helping protect the newborns? Sorry, but opposing abortion is only part of the equation. The Dems have a MUCH better grasp on the rest of the “Life” equation!

I cannot, for the life of me, think of how Republicans have guaranteed ANY freedoms we grew up with! At one time they did, but not for awile now. During the past eight years, the Republican administration and congress has assaulted our civil liberties and constitutional freedoms more then any foreign power in our Nations history. The following are examples of freedoms which President Bush and Republicans in Congress have already expunged (as reported by the Associated Press):

FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records questions.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.

FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.

RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.

RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

Please explain to me how the Republican Party is defending our freedoms. The hypocrisy that the Republicans are spreading is to force the American people to live to a strict standard of the law, while they themselves are cheating, when it is convenient. They produce proclamations exalting patriotism, freedom, and democracy, while at the same time, limiting constitutional protections in the name of “security”.

The current crop of Republican leadership is indistinguishable from the Pharisees of Biblical times! Sarah Palin is simply in over her head. Sure she lies and philanders, most politicians do, but she is vastly under qualified to be in national office. She is also a poor representation of Christianity, at best! She clearly has trouble thinking on her feet, a skill ALL politicians should have, especially at that level. Palin has little too no understanding of the functions of our Constitution. That is why she disqualifies McCain from being President; Palin was a disqualifying choice.

We, as Christians need strong political leaders. We need to support politicians who can think on their feet and have at least a BASIC understanding about the functions of government. We need leaders who can be examples of wisdom and compassion. I don’t know about the compassion Palin exhibits , but I am certain of the wisdom she has demonstrated to this point.

Senator Obama, a politician I really don’t care much for personally, has demonstrated his wisdom, compassion, and commitment to Christian values. McCain has not (remember the 2000 & 2008 primaries… when he stated he doesn’t even like the “Christian Right”, or when Dr. James Dobson said he would NEVER vote for McCain). Obama has, like McCain, dedicated his life to service. What sets Obama apart is his demonstrated dedication to Christ and the wisdom to choose a running mate, Joe Biden, who is also a strong Christian steward.

Clearly, when a Christian looks at the entire political platforms of both parties, weighs the history ofeach canidate, and compares those things to the guiding moral principale of the Christ's teachings, there is only one choice.

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